Alternatives to war

In Northern Ireland, communities and individuals have created community projects that bring together people from both sides of the sectarian divide.  And we never hear about the wives and mothers that won’t let their family members take part in marches to help stop the problem at grass-roots level.

As for peace and reconciliation, a Google search will tell you just how much research and work is being done.

Restorative Justice and truth commissions, such as South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, allows those that have suffered to find a way to move on without revenge or escalation of violence.

The foundation of the European Union was forged from France and Germany and others ensuring they could not go to war again through close integration. Western Europe has been at peace with itself for 3 generations – when did it last – if ever – do that?

The presence of so many peace organisations shows there is plenty of desire for peace worldwide. There are more of them than there are those campaigning for war!

Countless research institutes explore possibilities for creating and maintaining peace. (This must be far more rewarding than researching hand grenade fragment blast radius and kill co-efficient.)

Some random links:

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