With regard to withholding military taxation such that it is spent on something else, a common challenge is “On what?”
On the Beeb news it says “Australia bushfires: Fundraiser reaches A$20m in 48 hours“. The Australian government spends that much on their military every 8½ hours.
That story also says “Prime Minister Scott Morrison has called up 3,000 reserve troops to help“. That is 3.7% of their armed forces. 15% of their reserves (i.e. civilians being called away from their day jobs) and 0% of their active personnel.
If 3.7% of the Australian military budget was permanently re-allocated to fire prevention (as opposed to ‘Oh shit, the whole country is on fire, maybe we ought to act now‘), it would provide AUS$765,000,000 annually. Nearly 40 times what has been raised from charitable giving to help save the country.
Australia spends just over AUS$1,000 per capita on militarisation. The fundraiser is equivalent to 20,000 people’s military expenditure, about 0.078% of the population. Military expenditure is 1.9% of GDP and 5.1% of government spending.
Perhaps Australia should spend a bit less on battle tanks and a bit more on the land they drive around on. The Leopard tanks they had from 1976 to 2007 were never used. They currently have 59 M1A1 Abrams tanks; these have also never been used. They would like to increase that to 90. Each one costs about AUS$13m. Just ⅔rds of a fund-raiser each.